Artist Emiliana Cordaro

Emiliana Cordaro was born in Maarssen in The Netherlands on May 18th, 1967.


Her study of art began at the College for Arts in Utrecht (1989-1991). In 1993 she had a number of private painting lessons and started to develop her own, very recognizable style.


She feels very much at home with landscapes, particularly landscapes of loneliness and infinity.

Emiliana examines her landscapes in terms of shapes, levels, line segments, colour and contrast and reflects all of these elements in her paintings.


Her paintings are not a ‘perfect’ reflection of what she sees, but are an impression of feelings and images. She paints instinctively using space and colours to create a harmonic painting which combines an  “old Dutch” landscape feeling with very much an ‘abstract’ look.


Emiliana’s current series of oil paintings of landscapes have been inspired by the hills of Tuscany and the bulb fields of northern Holland.


The scenes depicted are very attractive and thanks to an overwhelming but nevertheless warm use of colour her work is very expressive.

Unfortunately at this time we do not have any items for sale by this artist.