Artist Nina Papiorek

If you want to peg Nina Papiorek to something, you have to search for a fitting one and probably you won’t find the right one.
Her work is as multilateral as her interests and motives. What combines all her works, is the aim to catch a special moment with her camera, which has nothing to do with a particular technique or a scenery, but with a feeling she likes to capture.

Nina was born 1979 in Duisburg (Germany) and discovered her high passion for photography on one of her numerous travels in 2006. She tries to cover a bright spectrum of photography without specialising on one discipline. Basically landscapes, cityscapes, architecture and portraits are her 
prefered motives.

In her short photographic career Nina Papiorek can already look back on numerous honourous and achievements – she won several awards at the PX3- Prix de la Photographie paris 2010 and 2011, the IPA International Photo Awards 2010 and was nominated on 2010′s Sony World Photography Awards.

Nina’s passion is Black&White photography. In her opinion a photograph always lives from a unique moment, from an expressive face or from a story written in the observer’s mind.

Technique and equipment only play an underpart role. She finds her protagonists and motives on travels, on the street, in normal life – the urban way, the hectic of a big city, lonely districts, the people, foreign cultures and rituals, the charme of beauty and unbeauty.

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